Published on August 18, 2003 By GreatSilverWyrm In Skinning
Can anyone give me any comments and/or suggestions on cursorxp theme im working on?

It was inspired by Everaldo's crystal icons, and Pixtudio's softcrystal wba skin.
*Waiting on everaldo's permission to upload*
on Aug 19, 2003
can you post some screens of it, and not a download?
on Aug 19, 2003
Yeah sure...give me a couple minutes....
on Aug 19, 2003

Everything is animated except the normal cursor, the help, text, and normal hand (clicked is animated)

I can post a couple of the animations as gifs if you want
on Aug 19, 2003
looking fine, but some of the stuff isn't 'inspired' but is orriginal right?

You should contact everaldo himself, and ask if he has a problem with you uploading it here, and ask him for a written permission (witch you have to add in the zip)
on Aug 19, 2003
Ok, the spinning globe was "copied" from evearldos's all original however, nothing ported or whatever you want to call it *is rather new when it comes to skinning*

And I wrote Everaldo a few days ago asking for permission to upload it....still waiting for a reply.
on Aug 19, 2003
looks good.hope ypu get permission.