Published on November 26, 2003 By GreatSilverWyrm In WinCustomize Talk
Well, mostly out of boredom, I decided to start this thread.

What is your favorite WindowBlinds (or whatever other program you'd like to talk about) skin/theme of all time?

Personally, I love SoftCrystal for WindowBlinds, first skin I've ever had for longer than 2 or 3 months.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 27, 2003
Anything from the old classic 'WinStep' suite, by Dangeruss
on Nov 27, 2003

'What is the Matrix' by Mercury.
It was a WB skin ahead of it's time.

on Nov 27, 2003
The first skin I ever installed: Copper Deck, and of course its successor: Copper Deck 2, both by Treetog.
on Nov 27, 2003
There are just too many, but if I chose one, It is Tore Up XP by I.R. Brainiac. It has great originality. Thinking about using it again soon.
on Nov 27, 2003
TasT agrees with Jafo the first one I ever did..

For current day stuff it would be SEER By: Essorant
on Nov 27, 2003
PixOS wb, icons and cursor. Even if I want to use something else the PixOS remains my default when I get tired of the other skins look.
on Nov 27, 2003
Plava by Treetog
on Nov 27, 2003
Dinks by Grayhaze (in one varient or another) for my WinXP box, and Doppler by SkinPlant hasn't left my Win2K box since it came out.

Still waiting on that 8-Ball skin if you're reading Grayhaze
on Nov 27, 2003
hmmm... i always seem to go back to PixOs by pixtudio, but apollo OS by mike bryant has been on my system for a while now.
Both are great skins.
on Nov 27, 2003
Tough call......Abracadabra by Pixtudio, Elsdee gray and 3FX by danilloOC, Colony by Mikeb and not forgetting Toon XP
on Nov 27, 2003
I know you all are gonna think I'm nuts...but it's got to be "Frogboy" by Alexandrie. Man...what I would do for a WB 4 update! How 'bout it Alexandrie?
on Nov 27, 2003
elvee's Micron2...My alltime Favorite Suite, most of by the Great Dangeruss. I think Alexandrie did the ICQPlus and Titan made the ColorPad, Sorry, I cant remember who made the icons didnt come out right

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on Nov 27, 2003

There we go.

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on Nov 27, 2003
Or how about "Earl Johnson" by Neophile...that was awesome!
on Nov 28, 2003
hey I remeber Micron2! Really cool stuff.

Man, there are some classics out there that just came to mind when you posted that one.
Hippy's 911
davidk (not sure if it was him) SETI (or maybe Chad Ross?)
Chad Ross Work While Bent
Christmas XP
XP Jean

I had a whole bunch of them. Now all I am waitng for is to get a new computer and I will download them again... and update a few of them since they don't have the shellstyles and other skinnables.

Oldies but goodies!
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