Published on August 8, 2004 By GreatSilverWyrm In WinCustomize Talk
I'm working on a new cursor..and I sent it to somone to have them test it/look at it/whatever...but, whenever they try to load it, they get an error "CurXPCpl.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
Also, when I deleted it and tried to reload it, I get "An exception occured while trying to run "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "C\WINDOWS\System32\main.cpl",Mouse" ...

on Aug 09, 2004
Alright, through completely re-doing the theme, I've discovered that it doesn't like the seperate resize cursors for some reason...anyone have any ideas?
on Aug 09, 2004
Alright, I've got it figured out...after 2 days of didn't like my long scripts...but I've fixed it, and it's working for everyone now..

Sorry for the triple-post and whatnot....